The B52s had a great song on their debut album (yes, made of vinyl children) called 52 GIRLS. It can't be a surprise that through the hard work of PAM (I am not worthy) HADLEY and a little bit of googleing hither and thither that we begin the QUEST FOR THE GRADUATES OF JBHS 1981-1983 with a list of 52 GRADS. They are:
**Kristy Bond Rhine**
**Vince Brumley**
**Kevin Cozby**
**Leddie Davis**
**Daniel Sinnott**
**John Skarbek**
**Joanie Fowler Chapman**
**Curtis Green**
**Robin Walker Martin**
**Mike Zidek**
Rod Agguire
Chip Mahaney
Skip Angel
Teresa Morris Mesmer
David Ralston
Pam Bendor
Pam Reed
B. Leo Rigney
Darrell Robertson SSG
Beth Castro
Jeff Roth
Julie Coomer
Steve Sakowski
Hollie Schmidt
Beverly Damon
Melinda Schmidt
Amy Siegel
Lonnie Detrick
Ric & Shannon Dubois
Carol Falvo Pierce
Scott Stewart
Beth Farwell
Wes Sutton
Jackie Townson Randolph
Pam Fry
Steve Tucker
Shannon Halwes
Stacey Bell Hellman
Michael Twine
Steve Herring
Mark & Jaime Valosek
Julie Herrmann
Wendy Wadlington
Karyn Hobbs Zapata
Chris & Scheri Hogan
Kari Ward
Jeff Honeycutt
Troy Warren Jr
Rick Wilson
Brian Wigley
Glenn Williams
Justine Trout Chapura
Timothy Hogan
Already, I've had undeliverable emails from the folks marked with ** from the list Pam had from 2000. I've had three Internet providers in that same five year period. Plus people have left dial-up for broadband, wired for wireless, human contact for online porn, full sentences for "Lmao ttyl!"
We had about six hundred in the Class of 82 so we're searching for about 1500 people 25 years after we last saw them! This is gonna be so cool!
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