Monday, January 22, 2007


...and I don't mean in a good way. So as soon as we can, let's shift people to this site for official news and plans for the 25th Anniversary Reunion of the REAL Graduates of James Bowie High School. I figure anyone who graduated between 1981-1983. But it's not like we're going to enforce that or try to create some sort of perfect fancy schmancy reunion with Kings and Queens and formals and coursages and al that crap.

Here's my idea, and if you hate it feel free to shoot it down BUT ONLY if you have a constructive alternative. I excel at trashing the plans of others but kinda suck at presenting alternatives.

1. We're old and most of us still know a lot of people in Arlington even if we (like me in Minneapolis) have moved on. So let's do something fun we did when we weren't old and we lived there. SIX FLAGS OVER TEXAS on (of all the most horrible of days!) JULY 4th 2007! Crowds, kids, sweat, 100 degrees plus...classic North Texas Summertime fare.

2. I will work my contacts through my Dad and his wife to see what the Arlington Visitors and Hospitality types can do for us for our out of town guests.

3. I will also see what I can do to drum up a space for a second day Adult event when we're all sunburned and want to DRINK and DISCO. I'm pretty sure we've all seen enough crepe paper to last three lifetimes so if there's a cash bar a DJ and a mirror-ball...I'm good.

4. I'll also come up with some one-size-fits-all XXL T-Shirt or ball cap that we can get for cheap for everyone to help with recognition at the Theme Park.

Between those things and keeping the Information flowing through this site I'm feeling pretty good about my contribution so far. (I have my Mother to thank for the hint of Martyrdom in that last sentence.)

If you are a Metroplex native still, we'll need you drumming the low hanging branches finding as many of the 81-83 classmates we can find and getting their contact information which we can use this BLOG as a clearinghouse for. Also invited are any of the prom dates from any of the affore mentioned years.

If you, as I, have left North Texas, you need to start planning your summer vacation to include a trip to Texas for the 4th and 5th of July! First we get sunburned standing in line all day with our (well okay, who am I fooling) your children. Then we disco dance the following evening and with any luck there'll be cat fights and secret crushes revealed and that's just the men!

Yours truly,

Timothy Hogan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I'm remaining anonymous for now...but hey why don't you post a then and now photo so we can see who you are....yes I have yearbooks but I'm too lazy. So what happened to the fagalde brothers vince and chris??? My best friend in HS who doesn't even know I exist anymore...Jeanette Harrington.....and so you left the Metroplex. One smart puppy you are. I hate it here. Arlington is mostly minorities now with bad streets....most southern neighborhoods....don't want to be in at night....uh the old JBHS neighborhoods oh and the new ones too. Anyhow yeah Six Flags Sux totally, but so does everything else around here. Anyhow Noticed there weren't no posts so here is one for you. Post your photo. Thanks