Join this exciting Group! RSVP today! Don't see your High School BFF? Hook them up! Have an email address where I need one? Send it to me or post a COMMENT on this site!
RSVP LIST - Sunday is family, friends, spouses, children, grandchildren, the homeless...anyone with $10! My mother's coming to J.Gilligans to see all of the Drama Weenies that lived in our house on Saturday Night. Very relaxed, the more the merrier!
Timothy Hogan trhogan@comcast.net
Trisha Quirk trishaquirk@sbcglobal.net
Chip Mahaney chip@smartbusy.tv
Hollie Mahaney Schmidt hollie@acceleratedcure.org
Bobby Winters billybob99@sbcglobal.net
Linda Stacy lindastacy@gmail.com
Jonathan Newman jmnnmn@sbcglobal.net
Shay Trostel shay_n_dev@yahoo.com
Tina Kauer Tinakstep@aol.com
Tamera Davis kdaviscaudle@yahoo.com
Dori Plejdrup Sealeggin@att.net
Lisha Brown Brock labrock@prodigy.net
Kimberly Neal Tosello kbtosello@msn.com
Kelly White Wahl kwkanga@charter.net
Justine Trout Chapura justines_flowers@yahoo.com
Mike Daroche Daroche1@aol.com
Bobby Clendening no email cell#214-402-8466
Glenn Williams dholliday2u@hotmail.com
Dale Mershon dholliday2u@hotmail.com
Barbara & Joyce Tyson NEED EMAIL(S)!
Kelly Reilly kreilly63@msn.com
Carolyn Stout (Dinky Cate) mamastout@tx.rr.com
Eric D Hudson iceape@msn.com
Monica Lalpuis monica_coney@yahoo.com mkapi@aol.com
Mary Marvin Kent Mkent467@aol.com
Wes Sutton jwestern@wesworld.com
Margie Quigley smurfy1964@sbcglobal.net
Todd Kelly todd@kellylawfirm.org
Georgia (Skousen) Greaves pdxgreaves@msn.com
Susie Stone susie.stone@nexbank.com
James Morelan jamesmm13@netzero.net
Rick Valentine rvalentine03@yahoo.com
Robert Aguirre rdaguirre@hotmail.com
Kevin Cozby kevincozby@gmail.com
Pat Crawley crawleyp@yahoo.com
David Dalley redriverguy63@yahoo.com
Russell Eller elsydtex@msn.com
Christine Haynes NEED EMAIL!
Karyn Hobbs Zapata karyn.zapata@aa.com
Jeff Honeycut jhoney63@earthlink.ne
Allen McSkimming NEED EMAIL!
Pam Reed errnwith3kids@yahoo.com
Shawn Scarle blondyshawnee@hotmail.com
Felice (Salpeter) Aisenberg Felicesa@aol.com
Patti Sienko pjsienko@aol.com
Dan Sinnott rmsinnott@aol.com
John Skarbek skarbek@ticnet.com
Kevin Spencer NEED EMAIL!
Gail Strong NEED EMAIL!
Gigi Usery NEED EMAIL!
Neil Staff HDFIX4U@aol.com
Lexa (Hrach) Kommor lexakommor5392@yahoo.com
Sally (Dye) Chew jschew@sbcglobal.net
Kelly Dechaine baysidecc313@yahoo.com
Tauni Griffin taunigriffin@gvtc.com
Scott Stewart scott@excaliburis.com
Wendy (Wadlington) Lambert wendy@doaklambert.com
Pam (Fletcher) Friday pfriday@eanes.k12.tx.us
Norie Newman nnewman0002@tx.rr.com
Kim (Davis) Caudle
Monica (Morgan) Coney
Jodi (Pullar) Bell
Rhonda Abbott
Perry Lowery