Join this exciting Group! RSVP today! Don't see your High School BFF? Hook them up! Have an email address where I need one? Send it to me or post a COMMENT on this site!
RSVP LIST - Sunday is family, friends, spouses, children, grandchildren, the homeless...anyone with $10! My mother's coming to J.Gilligans to see all of the Drama Weenies that lived in our house on Saturday Night. Very relaxed, the more the merrier!
Timothy Hogan trhogan@comcast.net
Trisha Quirk trishaquirk@sbcglobal.net
Chip Mahaney chip@smartbusy.tv
Hollie Mahaney Schmidt hollie@acceleratedcure.org
Bobby Winters billybob99@sbcglobal.net
Linda Stacy lindastacy@gmail.com
Jonathan Newman jmnnmn@sbcglobal.net
Shay Trostel shay_n_dev@yahoo.com
Tina Kauer Tinakstep@aol.com
Tamera Davis kdaviscaudle@yahoo.com
Dori Plejdrup Sealeggin@att.net
Lisha Brown Brock labrock@prodigy.net
Kimberly Neal Tosello kbtosello@msn.com
Kelly White Wahl kwkanga@charter.net
Justine Trout Chapura justines_flowers@yahoo.com
Mike Daroche Daroche1@aol.com
Bobby Clendening no email cell#214-402-8466
Glenn Williams dholliday2u@hotmail.com
Dale Mershon dholliday2u@hotmail.com
Barbara & Joyce Tyson NEED EMAIL(S)!
Kelly Reilly kreilly63@msn.com
Carolyn Stout (Dinky Cate) mamastout@tx.rr.com
Eric D Hudson iceape@msn.com
Monica Lalpuis monica_coney@yahoo.com mkapi@aol.com
Mary Marvin Kent Mkent467@aol.com
Wes Sutton jwestern@wesworld.com
Margie Quigley smurfy1964@sbcglobal.net
Todd Kelly todd@kellylawfirm.org
Georgia (Skousen) Greaves pdxgreaves@msn.com
Susie Stone susie.stone@nexbank.com
James Morelan jamesmm13@netzero.net
Rick Valentine rvalentine03@yahoo.com
Robert Aguirre rdaguirre@hotmail.com
Kevin Cozby kevincozby@gmail.com
Pat Crawley crawleyp@yahoo.com
David Dalley redriverguy63@yahoo.com
Russell Eller elsydtex@msn.com
Christine Haynes NEED EMAIL!
Karyn Hobbs Zapata karyn.zapata@aa.com
Jeff Honeycut jhoney63@earthlink.ne
Allen McSkimming NEED EMAIL!
Pam Reed errnwith3kids@yahoo.com
Shawn Scarle blondyshawnee@hotmail.com
Felice (Salpeter) Aisenberg Felicesa@aol.com
Patti Sienko pjsienko@aol.com
Dan Sinnott rmsinnott@aol.com
John Skarbek skarbek@ticnet.com
Kevin Spencer NEED EMAIL!
Gail Strong NEED EMAIL!
Gigi Usery NEED EMAIL!
Neil Staff HDFIX4U@aol.com
Lexa (Hrach) Kommor lexakommor5392@yahoo.com
Sally (Dye) Chew jschew@sbcglobal.net
Kelly Dechaine baysidecc313@yahoo.com
Tauni Griffin taunigriffin@gvtc.com
Scott Stewart scott@excaliburis.com
Wendy (Wadlington) Lambert wendy@doaklambert.com
Pam (Fletcher) Friday pfriday@eanes.k12.tx.us
Norie Newman nnewman0002@tx.rr.com
Kim (Davis) Caudle
Monica (Morgan) Coney
Jodi (Pullar) Bell
Rhonda Abbott
Perry Lowery
1 comment:
Timothy, Sign me up for the paper/plastic plates, flatware & cups. I'll bring all three items, & I think I can afford to get enough for all 80 or so people showing up. I'll make a point of getting at least a hundred of each item. I'll also be bringing hamburger patties for the grill (not enough for 80 people though).
By the way, make sure you spell my name right, you've had Patty instead of Patti on your RSVP & name tag lists. How long have you known me anyway?!
See you the first Saturday in August!!!! Can't wait!!!
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