Fat kids, skinny kids, kids who climb on rocks!
Tough kids, sissy kids (Hey!), even kids with chicken pocks (sp?)...
Okay! Time for another "audience participation" posting on the Reunion Blog. So far we have:
Friday August 3rd at Margie's (directions to follow, BYOB)
Saturday August 4th at J. Gilligan's (Buy your own Whatever)
Sunday August 5th in the Stovall Park Pavillion with James Bowie (BYOB - NO GLASS CONTAINERS!)
WHAT SHALL WE EAT ON SUNDAY? Please COMMENT on this site to register you're vote for our Sunday meal.
a. Bring your own weenie (or chicken, brats, burgers, goat on a spit) we'll organize the grills at Stovall Park.
b. Cater something like fajitas & sides at about $15 a head.
I predict that our entire three days we can probably swing for $25 per person. I hope that will be do-able for everyone. I may need a sponsor since I have to book a flight to Texas...kidding.
Please vote your will or your fate will be arbitrarily decided by me, er I mean the Executive Commitee (me.)
I vote bring your own
Mary Kent
I vote bring your own, too. I have Taco Bueno needs!
Roll your own, I mean bring your own...er..eh..stuff
I vote bring your own too. Keep in mind a small fee will still be collected to help cover the cost of the pavilion and liquor permit.
Absolutely we will pay Trisha for the Pavillion. I'll let us know how much when i get a firmer RSVP count! I vote "Bring Your Own Meat" too!
How about this?..We bring our own meat, Taco Bueno, or whatever fulfills our personal needs, as well as a bit of Pot luck faire. We could bring in a short order barbecue chef (complete with hat!) to wrangle with the coals, cook the steaks, and turn the Goat so it won't burn. Chef's assistant could help with the spread. This would free us up to play more volleyball, drink more beer, and stuff.
I agree with the masses. Bring your own whatever.
Power to the people. Bring your own. ~Lisha
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