"Anonymous said...
I vote for whichever day the most single women will be there."
That semi-creepy Comment aside. "C" wins by a nose, 1 vote. So I am arbitrarily making the new dates AUGUST 4 & 5, a month later than was announced but barring a general revolt those are the new dates. Now I have to "publish" that information here, on classmates.com and I'll spam everyone about it in a minute.
NEW DATE FOR OUR REUNION! Saturday & Sunday AUGUST 4 & 5, 2007! Spread the word!
Well...well. We all finally came to an executive decision. Great Work Tim!!! Kudos!!! Or as we say in the NAV "A Job well Done". Thanks to all of your hard work, we can finally plan for a well deserved and long awaited Reunion.
Tony Tucker '81
To quote the fabulous Smokey Robinson and the Miracles..."I second that emotion"
how about aug. 11th
Now what about a venue for this shindig? I like the six flags idea, but we need a place to congregate/mingle.
Trisha Quirk '83
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