SIX (6) is how many 81-83 GRADS I have left on assmates.com, oops! I mean classholes.com or asswipe.something to email out of the total 744 I began with, It only allows me to email 50 in a rolling 24 hour period (for safety?) and tomorrow at 7:30am CST I can email the FINAL SIX!
Today classmates.com made me listen to TALKING SMILEYS all morning while I mailed to the VOLUNTEERS whose names were in the "w" range. The only thing MORE ANNOYING than SMILEYS on an email would be TALKING SMILEYS! Unless you could shoot at them and they died loud and gorey. Maybe EXPLODING SMILEYS for people who read their emails too slowly, they could start screaming seconds before they covered the email with gore!
But we're down to SIX! It looks like seven, but I'm, pretty sure FRANK ZAPPA didn't graduate from Bowie, good try numb-nuts.
SIX SIX SIX SIX! LET'S SING THE SONG OF SIX! I've been hacking down 50 per day since March 19th so whoever plans on attending this REUNION needs to put THAT on the list of TIMOTHY'S CONTRIBUTIONS. That and having the idea for the damn thing to begin with cause he's not sure how many others he'll be alive for. So when someone calls me and asks if I'll take on this little task or the other, you bettah pull back from the phone while I scream NINETEEN DAYS OF FIFTY PER DAY!
It would be funny if suddenly a lot of fictional characters who's names end in W-Z appeared before tomorrow on asscheeks.com, but I'd have to hunt you down and kill you.
Great job Tim, are you getting any reponses?
I began with about 50 working email addresses. Now we've upped that to 120 but we're still working with a MAX of 750 based on classmates.die.com.
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