Due to some feedback about the chosen dates for this shindig, I've decided (in consultation with a secret cabal of 82 Grads - I'm making that up) to try a Townhall meeting on the subject, using the "Comment" function on this site to gather opinion for a couple of weeks. "Comment" is located at the bottom of each post. You may comment anonymously, include a photo...whatever, I just sit here.
I'll let you in on a little secret, in January when Idecided to do this, I pulled the July dates out of my asterix so I'm not REALLY harboring a secret "Suicide by Sun" wish or anything, I just needed a date to point to. We can't avoid the heat without time travel which is expensive for families, so I say if we move the dates we move them toward the end of Summer, early Autumn. I like the idea of Six Flags but here in the middle of my midlife crisis, I'm not sure my judgement is all that sound. (Ask me about early onset "andropause" andro-damn-stop is more like it...)
So what, or when do you think we should get together? We'll leave it open to add Comments until May.
Just wanted to warm this thing up. I'm very flexible about the timing. I'm afraid some out-of-towners like me but with important careers, families, livig houseplants...may have already made plans for that time period July 4&5, if so sing out and let us know?
See how easy this is?
Ok, so it wouldn't publish my last post, so I'll try it again. What about the 4th or the 5th weekend of June? That's after Father's Day. Does that give us, and by us I mean you, enough time to find everyone, and by everyone I mean all of those who are wondering how we are going to squeeze our fat butts into the skinny little seats on the Texas Giant.
Mary Marvin Kent
July 4 & 5 are okay, but Six Flags on the 4th with the family? We won't get to see much of each other. I'd rather have a picnic at a park in Arlington where we can actually interact a bit during the day and then party at night. Or do a picnic during the day and Six Flags one night and a party the other night.
I also like the idea of a fall reunion as well. A date just needs to be set asap so people can plan.
Lisha (now) Brock
Class of '83
Lisha's point is well taken and it's an area where I'm clueless - families (my people only recently began to breed, mostly Lesbians). So inform me would a better date like an early June (moving up makes me nervous a little) weekend be better or post-4th lull. The couple of weeks until September can be lighter park attendance (I keep fixating on Six Flags, I'm a Geek Roller Comic Book Scientific American Carrying About to Advertize STAR WARS collectibles for a couple of friends on my blog man -GEEEEEEK!) But I'm open to easier ideas, picnics, feed your own Plus 1 (How Southern Baptist) total cool.
I think Texas in August would be rather hot. But whatever works for you. As for six flags, I agree that we would not be able to visit with one another which is what this is all about. Just an idea. Thanks for all you are doing.
I'm flexible although since we live out of state, the dates will determine whether it's just me, me and my husband, or me, my husband, and our two kids. My husband and I could come July 4 or the following weekend, since our kids will be off at camp. The whole family could come anytime August 19-26. Otherwise it might just be me.
I'm OK with Six Flags especially if we make plans to have lunch and/or dinner as a group and/or meet up some other way. But I'm flexible on this too. How about recreating Senior Skip Day -- everyone play hooky from work and meet at that park (where was it? it had a river) with our swimsuits and cases of beer?
Hollie (Mahaney) Schmidt '83
Lisha's observations are brilliant. A picnic would afford much better interaction. Since I haven't seen most of you freaks in 25 years, it would be nice for us all to meet in an environment conducive to socializing. If we have it on July 4, perhaps we could choose a location that would allow us to put on a Texas style barbecue, drink beer into the sunset, and then light off some pyrotechnics! (or at least WATCH some FIREWORKS) Great for the kids too. Don't get me wrong Tim, Six Flags Rocks. (So does Vince Abbott, by the way. Maybe his new garage band "HELLYEAH" could play for us.)
Neil Staff '82
I like the July 4th/ 5th. (My parents are in town and I have free extended babysit). Otherwise fall would be good. Not earlier...who needs 4 less weeks to lose weight?
I'm flexible on the location, six flags or park bbq.
Thanks Tim for taking this on.
Good Stuff eveybody! Let's drag as many more opinions as we can to the process!
I am ready and willing to work around any date chosen by the masses. However, JULY 4th AT SIX FLAGS?!?!?! Are you MAD?!?! There will be all of creation out at that park that day. I would believe that it would be more enjoyable, like was mentioned for visiting purposes, at a park for a picnic...or if we are looking for "kid friendly"...maybe a "Dave & Buster's" type place. If we are talking about a grown up party, we could do an evening thing. Perhaps reserving a banquet room at a restaurant or bar. Just a couple of ideas to bandy about....
Thanx so much, Tim!
Susie (Fisher) Stone '81
I like the Six Flags idea, but not necessarily for July 4th weekend. Historically, Six Flags is PACKED that weekend and we would not get the chance to interract with each other. We need a place to mingle.
If I remember right there is a picnic area at Six Flags (but I don't remember where). I could check on the availability of it for late July or August (wait a second, did I just volunteer myself to do something?) ***checking my temperature -- normal. checking pulse -- it's normal too. must be temporary insanity....***
OR, if beer consumption is requested (oh hell yeh!), we need to find a place to meet that is not on Six Flags property.
Trisha Quirk
class of '83
I think that it's great that we are all finally having a reunion. I left for the military back in 82, and retired from the military in 2002. It would be great to see all of yall wherever we meet. July 4 and 5th are good for me. Thanks again Tim for taking the time to get this thing going.
Anthony Tucker '81
You are really taking on a big project here - Kudos to you! July 4 is great - but I would be open to later in the summer or even September would be good too since my daughter plays travel softball and has a big tournament over July 4 weekend. But you can't accommodate everyone - so whatever the crowd (all 9 of them) decides is OK with me.
I just need to know as early as possible to make arrangements to get there.
Penny (Crocker) Patterson '81
PS. Hey Mary Kent - if you are out there - HI !!! Would love to get in touch with you again - now that our kids are all grown up - or at least pretty darn close! You can email me at:ppatterson@dynamicdm.com
I like the park/SixFlags combo. I'd like to visit with people (except Hollie!), and the park might be a better place. But Six Flags would be a blast too!
Ok...kids....I have gave it some thought and I think that gathering at Veterans Park or any other large park would be great. Since most of us haven't seen each other in some 25 years...almost 26 for the '81ers. So...let's keep the dates in July and gather at a park instead of Six Flags. We could also plan on a even bigger reunion in the fall. Thanks again Tim for all your hard work....and if you need help from me let me know.
Anthony Tucker '81
My vote would be the first weekend in August (3-4) so people coming in from out of town have more heads up time and could make plans. Even later in the year would be fine, but might make it tougher with kids in school. August is hot, but it's Texas, so what are you going to do? Please visit bowie82.com, it's paid for by Bowie alums, it has lots of pictures, and a forum section. I think a informal get together where ever would be great. Getting a consensus (or even responses) is tougher than I thought it would be. I emailed 80 or so people that were signed up on the bowie82.com site...two responses. It's nice to know you can elicit interest in something when you need too :)
I'm all good with last week of July after the Holiday push. Six Flags & a park Day One. Adults and air-conditioned beers Day 2.
I like the fall...who wants to sweat? July 4th is a family time...BBQ's, fireworks and family...and I don't have a family. It would be a fragmented experience at Six Flags...I am up for the park suggetion.
I think the idea of a picnic and day 2 adult party is great. Since "my baby" is 21 and has been married almost 3 years, I won't have to work around the school calendar, so summer or fall is fine with me. I look forward to it and really appreciate Tim for taking on this project!
Carolyn (Dinky) Cate Stout
Class of '81
Hey Tim and everyone!
There is no way that me or my crew could come to a July 4-5 reunion....haven't been able to make the other two, but am praying that we...I can make this one. I like Melinda Schmidts' idea of a lake party or big family picnic...wasn't it Eagle Mountain Lake or Sandy Springs or something like that for Senior Skip Day?? (Hey Melinda!!!)
With all the big hotels now around the city, why not also get a big banquet room and cheap hotel rooms for we out of towners!??? I'm talking group rate here!!! Or surely, someone has membership in a country club ...golf club ...something club with a big room and catering???
Will be checking this site for more info. and dates...
Summer is really out for my family, but late fall...after football works ...we'll find a way this time!!!
Teresa Morris Mesman '82
Thanks Tim for organizing all this. July 4/5 is definitely out for Terry and I. I'm sure we'll be back to Texas some time over the summer, but don't yet know when that will be. Most other dates are good.
As for venue, please put my vote in the park/picnic pile and not 6 Flags. (I love 6 flags, but not for this).
Lori (Ott) Glaze
I misspoke on my earlier comment (wish this site would let a person modify her comments!) -- anyway, we *wouldn't* be able to make it that week in August (18-26). Fall might be OK. July 4 or end of July still works.
Are you happy to have gotten all these different opinions, Tim, or sorry that you ever asked?!
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