Saturday, April 21, 2007

So I guess July 4 & 5 was just CRAZY TALK?

Okay, before we talk about Six Flags, let's choose a date that might not be July 4 & 5, okay? By the way, thanks for all of the feedback (although I've been called crazy for opening it up for change...).

Please vote:

A. July 4 & 5
B. Week of July 30
C. Week of August 6


Mike Daroche said...

Tim I'm willing to bet you would get a better response if you were to offer some options on weekends instead of weekdays. Most of us have yet to win the lottery and still have to go to work every day and taking time off from work may be a bit of a dealbreaker for some people.

Timothy Hogan said...

By "week of" I meant to include any of the 7 days around the date mentioned. Does that make sense?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I vote B or C
Mary Marvin Kent '81

Editor said...

Hey Tim.

You're doing a bang up old boy. I would have to vote for B/C.

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

I vote B or C
Carolyn (Dinky Cate) Stout

Chip Mahaney said...

Any of these is fine.

Anonymous said...

The week of July 30th is a bit better for me - but either week will work.

Penny Crocker Patterson '81

Hollie said...

Any of those would work, and weekends are much better than weekdays.

Congrats on the new niece!

Hollie (Mahaney) Schmidt

Anonymous said...

B or C or if it is an option end of september or October when it is cooler.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to make a command decision, I vote for the original date of July 4 and 5. We are adults here, let's make a decision.

Anthony Tucker '81

Anonymous said...

I vote "C".

Susie Fisher Stone '81

Anonymous said...

I vote for whichever day the most single women will be there.

Anonymous said...

A or B for me.

Kelly W. '83