Wednesday, May 30, 2007
So How's That Reunion Recruiting & RSVP-ing Going?
Now that our three days in August are sketched in, we need to concentrate on:
1. Who is attending? I haven't gotten firm RSVPs from several of you that I expect to be there. (All about me, sorry.)
2. What expenses will be incurred and how do we pay them off?
3. What supplies will we need for the day at Stovall Park? (Charcoal, lighter fluid, matches, paper & plastic dinnerware, food...)
4. What Questions am I forgetting to ask?
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Must Update Blog...Must Update Blog...
I'm just the Blog-Zombie, Must Spread the Word! Must Increase Attendance! Must Update Blog...
NEW DATE FOR OUR REUNION! For GRADS of 1981-1983. Friday, Saturday & Sunday AUGUST 3, 4 & 5, 2007! Spread the word! Email me at the address listed below and check out our blog for Reuinion information.
Timothy Hogan
1. Friday August 3rd. We convene at Margie Quigley Murphy's from 6PM to 9 or 10PM for A "COCKTAIL HOUR" For those of us those of us who want to go to Six Flags Friday night to get our roller coaster fix it's open until 11PM.
2. Saturday August 4th, J Gilligan's let's say 6PM 'til we get tired. I think we should all wear white shirts to help recognize each other...maybe name tags or arm bands. Something to help. I'm not carrying yearbooks. Dan Sinnott will reserve the room for Saturday.
3. Sunday August 5th, we tailgate at the Stoval Park Pavilion - BBQ, Volleyball and swim if we're thin or drunk. Maybe start at 10 AM and go 'til people have to leave to return home.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
110% CUTE
Thursday, May 24, 2007
A Few Facts From the epistleoftimothy
If we could shrink the earth’s population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all existing human ratios remaining the same, the village would look something like this:
57 Asians
21 Europeans
8 Africans
52 females
48 males
70 nonwhite
30 white
70 non-Christian
30 Christian
89 heterosexual
11 homosexual
6 people would possess 59 percent of the world’s wealth;
all 6 would be from the United States
14 from the Western Hemisphere, both North and South
70 would be illiterate
50 would suffer from malnutrition
80 would live in substandard housing
1 would be near death;
1 would be near birth
1 would have a college education
1 would own a computer
Source: Amnesty International
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Okay, Executive Decision Time Again
Okay, I just had an "Executive Board Meeting" (Me and Dan Sinnott) and we have decided to swap the Friday and Saturday night plans. We can reserve a room for FREE at J Gilligans on Saturday night and I love FREE!
Here's the NEW Itinerary:
1. Friday August 3rd. We convene at someone's home ( we have some offers and rumors of offers) from 6PM to 9 or 10PM for those of us who want to go to Six Flags Friday night to get our roller coaster fix.
2. Saturday August 4th, J Gilligan's let's say 6PM til you get tired. I think we should all wear white shirts to help recognize each other...maybe name tags or arm bands. Something to help. I'm not carrying yearbooks. Dan will reserve the room for Saturday.
3. Sunday August 5th, we tailgate at the Stoval Park Pavilion - BBQ, Volleyball and swim if we're thin or drunk. Maybe start at 10 AM and go til people have to leave to return home.
Do I hear any Objections? None being heard - the NEW ITINERARY is APPROVED! We still need to solidify a location for the Friday Evening BYOWhatever Meet and Greet. We have one GENEROUS offer of a Townhouse from MARGIE MURPHY, if she is willing to accomodate us on Friday night. I was just hoping that someone had a big ol Texas Home to invite us to.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
A Tentative (but Solid) Itinerary and the RSVPs So Far
We now seem to have a three-night Reunion Event. Let's see if this floats everyone's boat or pool floaties or whatever.
1. Friday August 3rd, J Gilligan's let's say 6PM til you get tired. I think we should all wear white shirts to help recognize each other...maybe name tags or arm bands. Something to help. I'm not carrying yearbooks.
2. Saturday August 4th. We convene at someone's home ( we have some offers and rumors of offers) from 6PM to 9 or 10PM for those of us who want to go to Six Flags Saturday night to get our roller coaster fix.
3. Sunday August 5th, we tailgate at the Stoval Park Pavilion - BBQ, Volleyball and swim if we're thin or drunk. Maybe start at 10 AM and go til people have to leave to return home.
PLEASE COMMENT on the tentative plan. I'm not doing this alone. Varations on this scheme are discouraged but we'll air them in the public COMMENTs section.
These are the RSVP YES reponses I have so far. Am I missing anyone? Please look for yourself on the list and either email me or COMMENT (I get the COMMENTs emailed to me magically) to correct the list.
Timothy Hogan
Trisha Quirk
Daryl Adams
Chip Mahaney ?
Hollie Mahaney Schmidt & family ?
Bobby Winters
Linda Stacy
Jonathan Newman
Shay Trostel
Tina Kauer
Tamera Davis
Dori Plejdrup
Lisha Brown Brock
Kimberly Tosello
Kelly White Wahl
Justine Trout Chapura
Mike Daroche
Bobby Clendening
Glenn Williams
Dale Mershon
Barbara & Joyce Tyson
Kelly Reilly
Carolyn Stout (Dinky Cate)
Eric D Hudson
Monica Lalpuis
Mary Marvin Kent
Wes Sutton
Margie Quigley
Todd Kelly
Georgia (Skousen) Greaves
Susie Stone
Tempus Keeps Fugit-ing - PLEASE COMMENT
Wow. I sent out 90-some odd emails to the 81-83 Grads last week, 25 of which are planning on bringing themselves and their families to Arlington the weekend of August 4 & 5 and no one has any ideas for Saturday night August 4th.
We have Sunday locked in (thanks to Trisha Quirk and Daryl Adams) - all day grilling, BBQ-ing, volleyball-ing, visiting - excellent. I hope we can start about 10am and continue as long as people can stay before their weekends must...end.
I think an all-day Sunday, One Day event is cool (Texas in August HOT not cool) but here are a few ideas for Saturday night August 4th for you to mull over and PLEASE Comment about.
Over 25 of you 96 have committed to the Reunion. Can I get 10 or 15 COMMENTs on the blog ( on these ideas? Pretty please?All would be paid for by the Grads in attendance.
1. We find a restaurant/hotel that can accommodate 30 to 50 adults for food & drinks for a 7-midnight to-do. We would need to front a deposit that would require participation of the attendees $$$.
2. Someone of us in the DFW area VOLUNTEERS to host 30 to 50 of us in their home for a BYOWhatever gathering. Paid for by those in attendance.
3. Someone belongs to or knows of a club space (VFW, DAR, K of C, Elks, etc) to host a BYOWhatever evening with a DJ and name tags.
4. We just have an all-day event on Sunday August 5th with our families in the Stovall Park Pavilion and repay Trisha and Daryl's generosity. This is the Sunday-One day opton.
Please reply or COMMENT on the blog.
Whatever we choose we must move quickly. I need help from someone(s) in the DFW area to help set up a Saturday Event IF we are to have one. I'll be down in time to help with set up at Stovall Park.
Timothy Hogan
WooHoo! A COMMENT! See how easy it is? You can even remain Anonymous - creepy but allowed. See the great participation below!
Jwestern said...
I think having a place to meet Friday and Saturday night would be a good choice. Out-of-towners may need to travel home on Sunday. On Friday we could meet at J. Glligan's, and on Saturday...well another place someone could suggest. Doesn't have to be anything formal, just meet and mingle.
My thoughts...
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I'm Ba-ack
And at least as tired as I look from my week in Texas.
Did y'all know it was so HOT there in May. Why didn't more of us die from exposure each summer? And more importantly...
...WHAT ARE WE DOING ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 4TH? WE NEED SOMEONE IN THE DFW AREA TO PULL A VFW OR K OF C OR ELK OR MOOSE CLUB OUT OF THEIR...HAT. Or come up with an alternative solution for Saturday night, August 4th.
Anybody have a big house? We won't be more than 50 total judging from the RSVPs. Somebody must have done well enough to host 50 people over a period of a few hours...maybe 7 to midnight? I'll even help throw people out if need be. I may be old and fat but I'm a superb bouncer.
I can't find a place from my remote Minnesota local. Trisha Quirk stepped up for the Stovall Park Pavillion. We need someone to "step up" for the Saturday night before. If all else fails, we'll "tailgate" all day on Sunday August 5th and there will be NO SATURDAY "GET TOGETHER." That's not what we want but we need a "hero" to save Saturday night!
Dig deep, Volunteers. Saturday night beckons...
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Although My Email Reunion Spamming Will Cease For A Week
You'll never stop my Blogging...NEVER! Actually any of you denizens of the Metro-Plex that remembers me from High School I'd love to pre-Reunion visit with. Saving,of course the "OH MY GOD IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU! HOW ARE YOU? YOU LOOK LIKE HELL! (arms oustretched) for when we see each other in August.
Although with my short-term memory measured in nano-seconds now it won't matter.
We've actually gotten about 25 RSVPs "yes" and 1 "please remove me from your spam-list." Bitch.
So things are going well, but more RSVP's would make me happier. And if you think I email a lot now...well, nevermind.
Until we cyber-meet again. Reservoir.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
We have our first 20 RSVP Yes responses. Email me at or just comment on this blog. Either way you will be counted. I'm hoping for 150 or more so keep spreading the word and committing to the dates we've picked!
I'm really looking forward to this! I hope you are too.
Timothy Hogan
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
We know when, AUGUST 4 & 5. We know where, at least we know where on Sunday the 5th. So we really need to start gtting a head count for attendance. We also need an idea or food, if we go catered BBQ we'll need a caterer AND money to pay them. We are using a space at the park that has BBQ grills but that means putting together money so that local shoppers can stock up on hamburger patties, chicken breasts, hot dogs, bratwursts all the trimmings plus charcoal brickets, disposable table ware.
So we have to make some decisions. BUT FIRST...WHO'S COMING? I'll Spam an invitation to everyone on my email list. Pease RSVP soon.
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