Okay, I just had an "Executive Board Meeting" (Me and Dan Sinnott) and we have decided to swap the Friday and Saturday night plans. We can reserve a room for FREE at J Gilligans on Saturday night and I love FREE!
Here's the NEW Itinerary:
1. Friday August 3rd. We convene at someone's home ( we have some offers and rumors of offers) from 6PM to 9 or 10PM for those of us who want to go to Six Flags Friday night to get our roller coaster fix.
2. Saturday August 4th, J Gilligan's let's say 6PM til you get tired. I think we should all wear white shirts to help recognize each other...maybe name tags or arm bands. Something to help. I'm not carrying yearbooks. Dan will reserve the room for Saturday.
3. Sunday August 5th, we tailgate at the Stoval Park Pavilion - BBQ, Volleyball and swim if we're thin or drunk. Maybe start at 10 AM and go til people have to leave to return home.
Do I hear any Objections? None being heard - the NEW ITINERARY is APPROVED! We still need to solidify a location for the Friday Evening BYOWhatever Meet and Greet. We have one GENEROUS offer of a Townhouse from MARGIE MURPHY, if she is willing to accomodate us on Friday night. I was just hoping that someone had a big ol Texas Home to invite us to.
I'm fine w/those changes. No big deal to me.
Trisha Quirk
class of '83
Flexible is GOOD!
Sounds great!!
Mary Marvin
Sounds great to me although depending on when we fly in from Boston, we might only be able to make Saturday and Sunday.
Got the new changes. Thanks again for your work on this.
Glenn Williams
Thanks so much for all the hard work! The arrangements sound great!
Carolyn Stout
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