We now seem to have a three-night Reunion Event. Let's see if this floats everyone's boat or pool floaties or whatever.
1. Friday August 3rd, J Gilligan's let's say 6PM til you get tired. I think we should all wear white shirts to help recognize each other...maybe name tags or arm bands. Something to help. I'm not carrying yearbooks.
2. Saturday August 4th. We convene at someone's home ( we have some offers and rumors of offers) from 6PM to 9 or 10PM for those of us who want to go to Six Flags Saturday night to get our roller coaster fix.
3. Sunday August 5th, we tailgate at the Stoval Park Pavilion - BBQ, Volleyball and swim if we're thin or drunk. Maybe start at 10 AM and go til people have to leave to return home.
PLEASE COMMENT on the tentative plan. I'm not doing this alone. Varations on this scheme are discouraged but we'll air them in the public COMMENTs section.
These are the RSVP YES reponses I have so far. Am I missing anyone? Please look for yourself on the list and either email me or COMMENT (I get the COMMENTs emailed to me magically) to correct the list.
Timothy Hogan
Trisha Quirk
Daryl Adams
Chip Mahaney ?
Hollie Mahaney Schmidt & family ?
Bobby Winters
Linda Stacy
Jonathan Newman
Shay Trostel
Tina Kauer
Tamera Davis
Dori Plejdrup
Lisha Brown Brock
Kimberly Tosello
Kelly White Wahl
Justine Trout Chapura
Mike Daroche
Bobby Clendening
Glenn Williams
Dale Mershon
Barbara & Joyce Tyson
Kelly Reilly
Carolyn Stout (Dinky Cate)
Eric D Hudson
Monica Lalpuis
Mary Marvin Kent
Wes Sutton
Margie Quigley
Todd Kelly
Georgia (Skousen) Greaves
Susie Stone
I vote for:
Friday: Drinks and greets at Gilligans.
Saturday: Six Flags -
A. Go as early as you want - we could have an afternoon/evening time and place to meet and cell phone exchange of RSVPers for those who want to catch up later.
B. Change the house meet to earlier so we could be at six flags by 4pm or so. (Much to my surprise my DH said we could meet at our house but I live about 25-30 minutes northeast of six flags.) Six flags is open to 11pm.
Sunday: All day bake at Stovall Park
The volunteers that attend are surely worthy this weekend of fun! Tim - Thanks for all your attention to this!
Kelly White Wahl
Previous blog talked about finding Macky Clark (remind me again why we needed to reach him?). I found him and know how to reach him, but I don't know him personally. Was anyone here good friends with him in school and can call him? If so, let me know and I'll give you his phone number. If not, I'll be glad to call him.
Actually, just google "Macky Clark Arlington Texas" and you'll find him the same way I did.
Trisha Quirk
class of 83
This is an official "RSVP" for whatever the crowd will bear. I have a little house out in Forney, otherwise, I would say, "Y'all come on out!" I'll keep an ear out for what gets decided.
I had one classmate find me on classmates.com (sorry, Tim) and I have forwarded all the info to her.
Thanx, Tim!!
Susie Fisher Stone '81
Keep on forwarding, Susie. The one reason I want the itinerary set is so we can "recruit" in June and July. Thanks!
I have talked to the owner of
Gilligans. They can provide us
with a room either Fri. or Sat.
(no deposit required)
I vote for Sat. but let me
know which night it will be
and I will secure the room.
Dan Sinnott '82
I'm with you, Dan. I think Friday Night should be at someone's home so we recgonize each other. Then Saturday night at J Gilligans with an option for Six Flags later and Sunday Stovall Park!
I'm okay with whatever ~ I can't make it in to town until late Friday evening anyhow, so whatever ya'll decide for Saturday sounds good to me. Tina Kauer Stephens
I concur with Dan and Tim...
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