Wow. I sent out 90-some odd emails to the 81-83 Grads last week, 25 of which are planning on bringing themselves and their families to Arlington the weekend of August 4 & 5 and no one has any ideas for Saturday night August 4th.
We have Sunday locked in (thanks to Trisha Quirk and Daryl Adams) - all day grilling, BBQ-ing, volleyball-ing, visiting - excellent. I hope we can start about 10am and continue as long as people can stay before their weekends must...end.
I think an all-day Sunday, One Day event is cool (Texas in August HOT not cool) but here are a few ideas for Saturday night August 4th for you to mull over and PLEASE Comment about.
Over 25 of you 96 have committed to the Reunion. Can I get 10 or 15 COMMENTs on the blog (www.jamesbowievolunteers.blogspot.com) on these ideas? Pretty please?All would be paid for by the Grads in attendance.
1. We find a restaurant/hotel that can accommodate 30 to 50 adults for food & drinks for a 7-midnight to-do. We would need to front a deposit that would require participation of the attendees $$$.
2. Someone of us in the DFW area VOLUNTEERS to host 30 to 50 of us in their home for a BYOWhatever gathering. Paid for by those in attendance.
3. Someone belongs to or knows of a club space (VFW, DAR, K of C, Elks, etc) to host a BYOWhatever evening with a DJ and name tags.
4. We just have an all-day event on Sunday August 5th with our families in the Stovall Park Pavilion and repay Trisha and Daryl's generosity. This is the Sunday-One day opton.
Please reply or COMMENT on the blog.
Whatever we choose we must move quickly. I need help from someone(s) in the DFW area to help set up a Saturday Event IF we are to have one. I'll be down in time to help with set up at Stovall Park.
Timothy Hogan
WooHoo! A COMMENT! See how easy it is? You can even remain Anonymous - creepy but allowed. See the great participation below!
Jwestern said...
I think having a place to meet Friday and Saturday night would be a good choice. Out-of-towners may need to travel home on Sunday. On Friday we could meet at J. Glligan's, and on Saturday...well another place someone could suggest. Doesn't have to be anything formal, just meet and mingle.
My thoughts...
I think having a place to meet Friday and Saturday night would be a good choice. Out-of-towners may need to travel home on Sunday. On Friday we could meet at J. Glligan's, and on Saturday...well another place someone could suggest. Doesn't have to be anything formal, just meet and mingle.
My thoughts...
Excellent idea Wes! J. Gilligans on Friday night would be cool. We could agree to all wear white shirts and name tags to recognize each other...carrying our yearbooks would be too heavy.
Then we just need a big space for Saturday night...any suggestions?
If we start Sunday early, people could leave by 5 pm or whenever to get home to their "real lives."
Tim and all. Thanks for all the planning so far. Right now, we're living in Flower Mound, but we may be moving out of state. Not sure yet. We hope to be there in August. My sister Hollie ('83) is planning to come.
As an FYI: Stovall Park also has a public pool, so in the event we get 'overheated' we can always go jump in to cool off. It's w/in spittin' distance of the pavilion. I'll check to see if they offer come-and-go passes for the day.
C'mon my fellow DFW-ers! Can anyone think of a place to meet Friday and/or Saturday night??
Trisha Quirk
Class of '83
Swimmin' pool, Movie Stars...I love you Trisha!
And I'll swim in public when the flying pigs lace their ice-skates in hell.
gilligan's is always good... i don't care if we do friday or saturday there, but i know we have a few people who know someone who knows the owners or know the owners... macky clark, ric dubois, probably wes from what he said... i am not sure who but i know someone we know has something to do with running it... I am 43, I can't remember sh**... but i do know every one i talk to suggests gilligans and it was great for our 20th... worked perfectly...
i have a relatively big house that is laid out pretty long and open, but i am going to put it up on the market and hopefully sell it... so we could tentatively use it, but others have even bigger houses... what about wendy's? she has a nice big back yard... i am sure there are others who have big houses...
Gilligans would be a great place. That was my first bar and I was 15. Tim, thanks for organizing this reunion. I cant't confirm I'll be there yet but have enjoyed reading about all the plans.
Jeff Roth
I have a townhome with a patio etc. and if worse case senerio i would be willing to have it, not a big place but still willing...I could provide some food and clean-up and byob would be great. anyway, like I said I am always willing to break in the new place, recent divorce, new career, new life, how about a party. anyway, something to consider.....
Margie Murphy (Quigley)
I love when we all pitch in and participate. Pam, I haven't had any luck locating Macky Clark - at least through Assmates.com, er uh Classmates.ass that's it. Anyone have an email address for Macky?
I vote for Sat. night Gilligans and Sunday at Stovall park. I have a Six Flags season pass so I'm on for that too~
Kelly White Wahl
I like the idea of Gilligan's on Friday night, but white makes me look washed out. Would a nice cream color work? HA!
If I'm not mistaken, isn't Macky Clark in the real estate business locally? I'll google his name and see if I can find him.
I don't think my house is big enough to host a party of 40, but I'll think about it. Parking would be an issue at my house.
Trisha Quirk
class of 83
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